Monday, 16 January 2017

Happy Collecting

        20, 30 years ago, there were plenty of models and variants to choose from and one can take his own sweet time searching and browsing through the pegs for cars. Today, if you go to the Hot Wheels section , the only models hanging on the pegs would be some weird looking vehicles that look like they came from a science fiction movie.
        So, where can you find all these missing, "cool, normal-looking" cars? Well, you can find plenty of them online or at some small booths in shopping malls sold at "crack" prices.
       But that's how it is today. My advise is, continue "hunting".Take your time. Get to know fellow collectors and have fun. It is not a competition. Collect what you really like and what you can afford because no matter how big or small your collection is, you'd be grinning and smiling when you see your little collections hanging on the wall.
       To all collectors, newbies, old timers, ....Happy Collecting..


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This blog was initially created to fulfill our IMD 221: Social Media Literacy's course requirement. Nevertheless, we take this opportunity to share our passion, thoughts and perhaps some information with fellow gamers, collectors, crafters and Netizens alike. We will also be sharing a lot of useless information in the pursuit of pointless knowledge. Hopefully, you will be captivated …but then again, maybe not. J

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