Preserving the Past, Valuing the Present, Enriching the Future.
Work hard.Study hard.Play hard. is your premier online destination for gaming, movies, comics and everything you're into.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
This blog was initially created to fulfill our IMD 221: Social Media Literacy's course requirement. Nevertheless, we take this opportunity to share our passion, thoughts and perhaps some information with fellow gamers, collectors, crafters and Netizens alike. We will also be sharing a lot of useless information in the pursuit of pointless knowledge. Hopefully, you will be captivated …but then again, maybe not. J
Pada pagi hari... Ku beranjak dari tempat tidur.. Dan ku segera mandi... Ku mengingat janji ayah kepadaku... Janjinya pada malam hari kemare...